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Hwy 89 near Prescott, AZ
Me and my friend, Linda, on our recent trip to Prescott, AZ for the annual International Women on Wheels Ride-In.
Beautiful Mountain Scenery!
Me and several of our WOW friends on Hwy 89.
Just outside of Sedona, AZ
This is a beautiful valley view across a bridge just outside of Sedona.
Austen and Me
I went to visit Austen in Hanford recently. He's 2 now.
Mother's Day
Me and my daughter, Megan, on Mother's Day. We took my mom out to lunch.
Riding Montana
Austen loves this old geezer horse, Montana, and rides him around the ranch where I board Bailey. That's his mom, Blythe (my daughter) with him in the photo.
All Dressed Up!
Believe it or not, I CAN "clean up" pretty well for a "biker chick"! That's me and my sister, Sandy, when we went to a recent black tie wedding.